As a Blogger, most of my time is spent reading alot of articles from many different outlets. So when the news broke last Thursday night that Floyd Mayweather had (Finally!!!) agreed to fight Manny Pacquiao you could imagine how many browser tabs were open the next day. Though the first 15 minutes of me hearing the news was spent making sure that this wasnt a moment of 'he said, she said' rumor mill, It was indeed true. Floyd has finally signed to a fight that he has a very good chance in loosing. The May 2nd event soldout MGM grand in only 15 minutes with admission seats spanding from $1,000- $5,000 and ringside seats $250,000 according to Jonathan Snowden of The Bleacher Report. So anyone who says "this fight is 5 years too late" will be lying to you if they say they still were not going to watch the fight. To that point, lets look into why exactly this still is the best fight in boxing.

Pacquiao continues to show his devolpment as a fighter from the one-punch, left-handed dynamo he was when he first fought on US soil. Manny's opposition of late has come into question, but it's no doubt he fears no one or anything inside the squared circle. With the likes of Antonio Barrera (2), Erik Morales (3), Juan Manuel Marquez (4), Miguel Cotto, Oscar De La Hoya, and Antonio Margarito (whom in his prime stalked Mayweather press confrences for years to get a fight) under his belt,and the fashion he won those fights; Its no wonder Manny won "fighter of the decade" for the 2000s. Manny has been on his bounce back of his perceptions to fans after his KO loss to Marquez and a meekly judged fight with Timothy Bradley. To his credit, he took the unneeded rematch, which turned out to be tougher than the first fight with Bradley who was desperate to prove to fans that he did deserve the decision. Then showing his abilty to beat up bruisers with his pattoned speed in Brandon Rios, and the physically dominate Chris Algeri. Though he wont get much credit for those fights, there seems to be a more callculated Pacquiao now.
Stylistically these two now have elements of a good fight. Though many will say that both fighters arent what they were, theres still the defensive art of Mayweather and still the quick powering combinations of Pacquiao. The only precaution I ever had, even 5 years ago was that the defensive-minded Floyd would ruin any action of a fight, but with his showing against the much slower Cotto and Maidana to stand toe-to-toe (not by design) you can't help but wonder what Pacquiao's ring generalship, foot work, speed, power, and combinations will bring to ths fight.
Much has been made about oppsosition of late from fans but that maybe because they just had not fought each other yet and chances for big money fights without each other was limited. Through the build up of this annoucment there were many of fans that were ready to protest Mayweather PPVs if he did not fight pacquiao next. He (Mayweather) did miss out on quite a number of challengers who would surley made him work like Paul Williams, Sergio Martinez, Antonio Margarito. But this Floyd's big moment of actually quality where you could say there's a good chance of him loosing. There are actually plently of challenges out there that can be explored for who could be the next to reign champion as a household name boxer like Danny Garcia where there would be more risk than reward, But the fans and experts have waited long enough. In the words of the late Mills Lane "Lets get it on"