Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014, a marker year

Some of you may know from previous entries that I stated that I would try to post more, but as always life got in the way which lead to me really not inspired to do much of anything. It has been a quite a year. Of all the times for me to feel uninspired to write, it was an observant writer's dream no to. So many events, deaths, and moments.

The years started for me with some optimism. 2013 wasn't a bad year for me but I was looking to ride the high I had toward the tail end of the year into 2014, and it did. I got out aside my reluctance and met some pretty cool people. Also was able to build my tolerance with people (because I really don't like people) and enriched my ways of searching for solutions. My single streak was also broken

It was awsome to finally see the world cup back as well and see the brief popularity of soccer in the USA. by the wall, the USA played pretty well and everyone should be proud of them but now that they can play with the big boys, they have to now learn to beat the big boys. It was great to see Brazil host the game that Brazilans perfected, but the climax of their competition was heart breaking. You simply cant win a game on heart, and that was the lesson Germany taught us. But with a new coach (kinda) brazil has yet to loose a game since the world cup. Hopefully they can make it up to us in Copa America.

By the time spring semester was winding down I could not wait to start my break. But shortly after it starting I heard the news that a friend of mines father had passed away, whom I and many others simply knew him as "Pops". But little did I know the grieving would not stop there. As I do most summers, I stayed in Jersey in the company of friends, my grandparents, and girlfriend's. Seen my teammate endure a very grusome injury, that still gives me chills thinking about it. But it is good to see Kalea recover well. It was rough   for me financially and some good people helped me out, and I personally thank them for it.  
Toward the twilight of the summer, much of my time was job searching back in Delaware and getting everything prepared for the fall semester. But a chapter in my life was only beginning to end. 

There must of been an calling of mortal angels to the afterlife beause it was almost eerie to see how many of my friends lost someone, including celebrities and people gone due to violence. Anyone who knew me, knew my pop pop. 

There was no bigger figure in my life than this man. Within him I lost and grandfather, a father,  and a best friend. When they someone is irriplaceable, he's it. There will never be anyone in the world that will have my back like he did. He didnt needed to do any of the things he did for me. All of it was his choice and for someone reason put so much faith and time in me. And when I gave up on basketball to tryout other sports he completely supported it even though everyone else didnt like it. Especially the fact that it was him who drove me 45 min every morning to expensive NBA basketball camps, he didnt mind and understood why I did not want to play anymore. He would even heard it from other family members about me saying that he spoiled me and etc. But he always defended me, and truly got upset when anyone sin the family bad mouthed me. So when I got that call on September 16, 2014 you better believed every once of moisture my eyes could hold were gone. Theres still a hole in my heart that will never fill. I could go on and make this whole entry about him because he deserves that. For the sake of completing this I won't but its hard limit the words I could tell you how much this man meant to me and just how hard its been for me to move on. I will leave it at that.

During the time of pop pop's passing, there was also alot going on in the world of news with Micheal Brown, Robin Williams, and Maylasian airplane disappearance. This is what the sixties most of been like. Protesters hitting the streets and police beating up people, it was almost like being back in time. This really created a divide throughout the country but the media finally focusing the killing of young black men not only by self proclaimed neighborhood watchers, but police as well. Its been going on for awhile now but this year it really seemed the force its way in to the homes of surburban America through television. What was surprising to see was just how much racism still exist in this country. Unfortunatly, there are a few Americans who seem to believe it and think that every prosecution and killing of a young African American is warranted. this is why there is so much anger. Its an epidemic of young black men that would truly get more attention had it been anyother race, and the fact that police can also be imcompetent with there jobs and abuse their powers on not just black men but anyone. Women,children, and people with special needs are all victims of this. So that fact that there is a divide in this country about this and the rest of the world can clearly see this as a problem too shows just how lost in their ways some americans are. 

Its not to say all cops are bad, (and the fact that has to be said is really just a deflection) its that they dont have anyone repercussions to their mistakes. And that there can be holes in their story but will always get off. The fact that cops know how to set up a scene of a crime once they've done wrong is always forgotten. But the pressure of the people is consistent and that is the only way your (our) voices will ever be heard. That is what I can say is the most positive outcome I can say about this year. 

I eneter this year with a fracture heart but hope each month with make it easier to mend. 2014, Gone but never forgotten

David Gautier

Keith Davis

George E. Wilson