Friday, July 18, 2014

The peddler's son

Once there was a little boy who peddled fish on the streets with his father. The father peddled down one block while son peddled another. The modest boy found it hard for he was not as vocal as his father, and for weeks could not sell the an mount of fish for him and his father to get by. One day the father, furious with his son, made the choice to omit his son from the shack house and add the boy's fish cart to his, believing he could double his sales. The boy took to the streets with only selling fish as his trade. So roamed till he could no longer see land, made fishing line and fished at the waterfront ahead of him. He reeled in plenty of fish, until one moment he retrieved a fish he had never seen before. With shimmering scales and large fins, the boy kept the fish in a separate bucket. The boy, knowing he was not the best salesman, took to the local fish market to sell his catchings. The merchant repayed the boy for the fish with enough earnings for the boy to eat for two weeks. Then the boy handed the merchant the bucket with the gorgeous fish. The merchant's jaw dropped at what he saw. The fish was extremely rare and was known to no longer exist. The boy would rewarded handsomely for catch enough to have a market of his own if he wanted. Instead he bought a shack house near the waters where he roamed until other fish peddlers would come to him to buy. One day, one if those peddlers were his father. Over joyed to see what the boy had became, the father rejoiced and said " together we could really do great business together". With his chin tucked to his chest and unable to look his father in the eye, the boy replied "I cannot father. If you can't take me at my worst, you do not deserve me at my best"....